Black Tie Blue Jeans Gala 2016 Up-date
Black Tie & Blue Jeans Gala
Our many thanks to all who attended Black Tie & Blue Jeans Gala! It was a fantastic evening made possible by all those who sponsored, gave in-kind donations to the auction, and attended the event. We at New Hope are thrilled to be in a community where so much support is given to assist in our mission to restore hope to abused or traumatized children and their families. Thank you!!
Each year we are afforded the opportunity to highlight a special person or people who embody the spirit of New Hope. This year’s Spirit of New Hope recipients are Donna and Chuck Alexander. They are well-respected, long-time, active residents of this community. As such, they have been very effective communicators of the importance of New Hope’s mission to the families of Blount County. Donna is a founding member of New Hope and served on the Board of Directors, including two years as president of the organization. New Hope board and staff members have called on Chuck (Hickory Construction, Inc.) innumerable times when seeking advice and recommendations regarding New Hope’s present and future physical facilities, and he has enthusiastically given them. Although Donna completed her board service several years ago, Donna and Chuck have continued their avid support of New Hope and its mission through their time and talents They consistently support New Hope’s vital fundraisers by attending, bidding, and encouraging others to do so.
Donna and Chuck Alexander have demonstrated the true spirit of New Hope since its inception, and we are proud to recognize them with the 2016 Spirit of New Hope Award. The New Hope Staff and Board of Directors are incredibly grateful for their years of service and their dedication to New Hope.
Lastly, Black Tie & Blue Jeans Gala would not be possible without the wonderful staff at the RT Lodge, Campbell’s Tent and Party Rentals,
Visual Voice, Murlin’s Music, Foothills Wine & Spirits, Bear Stephenson, & Brian Tuggle. We are truly grateful for all do to make this event extra special!
Our Sponsors: