Tennessee Winter Beer Fest 2016
If you attended Tennessee Winter Beer Fest (TNWBF) this past week-end you already know that it was an amazing event! The TNWBF crew planned and executed a prodigious evening of great craft beer, delicious food, notable auction items, and talented musicians. Needless to say the evening rocked!! The New Hope Board of Directors and staff are so fortunate to have this wonderful organization support us in this remarkable way. Our appreciation can not be expressed by words alone and hope that our daily actions and endeavors to make a difference in the lives of the children of Blount County speak volumes more than our simple “thank you”. Each year the children who walk through our door receive much needed services at no cost to them or their protective family member or guardian. The TNWBF crew help make our services continue. Thanks so much to each and every one of you for using your time, talents, and gifts to make this event happen. Making a difference one story, in one time, and in one place!